Neuron v2.5.3 更新日志


  • Fixed the issue of License still counting after deleting tags/nodes.
  • Fixed the issue of abnormal restarts Neuron deployed using Docker.
  • Fixed the timeout issue when calling the setting interface of the MQTT plugin.
  • Fixed the issue where writing tags was unsuccessful when setting multiplication factors in Modbus TCP.
  • Fixed the issue in Modbus TCP plugin where an abnormal tag could cause errors in the entire group of tags.
  • Fixed the memory issue when deleting the DLT645 plugin.
  • Fixed the issue of incorrect naming in the Mitsubishi FX plugin.
  • Fixed the issue of node status changing from "Stopped" to "Ready" after reboot.
  • Fixed the UI issue on the create node page that caused errors when switching languages.
  • Fixed the UI issue on the login page where refreshing the browser restored the default language.
  • Fixed the UI issue where tag multiplication factors were not displayed.
  • Fixed the UI issue where group list data was left behind after canceling subscription addition.


  • IEC60870-5-104 plugin now supports reporting of mutation data.
  • Optimized handling of error codes from Modbus TCP/Modbus RTU devices, resulting in better error reporting on Neuron pages.
  • tar.gz installation method now supports the 'stop' command.
  • Added default license with 30 built-in tags.
  • Siemens S7 ISOTCP plugin now supports writing multiple tags.
  • Southbound device group list now supports sorting by group name.
  • Docker deployment method now supports Chinese.